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Therapeutic Areas

Therapeutic Areas


Central Nervous System




General Medicine


Infectious diseases and Vaccines




 Pain & Rheumatology


Respiratory / Pulmonary


There is nothing more satisfying in the world than saving a life. CVS related drugs can be the game changer for a sufferer.

Whether it’s for chronic ailments like chronic hypertension, chronic heart failure, peripheral vascular disease or acute life threatening conditions like myocardial infarction, we make sure that your molecule gets the right expertise, the right patients and a conducive site environment to have the best possible chances of going to next phase and to the market at the earliest.

Central Nervous System

India has nearly 30 million people with neurological illnesses.

Understanding the logistics and challenges in a CNS study is vital for its success. CNS studies are varied and different in many aspects.  We have now substantial knowledge base and developing therapeutics in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebro-vascular shock and other neurological diseases.

With vast network of KOLs and sites in India, we are committed to help your drug development procedure in the CNS domain, and bring the right molecule to market at the earliest.


Whether it is eczema, psoriasis, or acne along other dermatology conditions, India is known to provide good number of study participants. QRS can partner with you and make the regulatory procedures, study enrollment as well as monitoring, swift processes. With a wide network of dermatology specialty as well as the multi-specialty sites with good patient pool of dermatology patients, we can assist your product reach the next level with best possible resources.

Endocrinology including Diabetes

India is deemed as the world’s capital of diabetes. The diabetic population in the country is close to hitting the mark of 69.9 million by 2025 and 80 million by 2030.

Developing the anti-diabetes drug is as complex as myriad of complications associated with diabetes. Choosing the right sites with multi-specialty expertise to address complications and selecting the right endocrinologists as investigators are vital for the success of the trial; and we at QAscent have been doing the same since inception!

Gastrointestinal and Renal system

Kidney, Liver and gastrointestinal ailments are prevalent in this part of the world. With a large population base, a great network of Nephrologists and Gastroenterologists working at premier sites with facilities of international standards, we can provide you with precious insights on conducting the studies successfully in India, despite high failure rate and developmental complexities in such trials in other countries.

General Medicine

With our network of sites in more than 25 Indian cities, we are capable of translating your efforts into successful clinical study in general medicine. Vast arrays of medical conditions ranging from infectious diseases to diseases with non infectious etiologies are handled by our network of internists. Indian doctors are known to be among the most knowledgeable and efficient workers in the world, owing to the great exposure of handling these disease conditions.


Both the medical and surgical gynecology as well obstetrics are forte of our network gynecologists. With QRS assistance, despite the immense workload and patient pool, these sites can be great resource in providing the study participants and following the protocols and study SOPs.

Gynecology and Obstetrics devices as well as medicines for the varied conditions can be swiftly studied upon in our network sites.

Infectious diseases and Vaccines

With COVID19 spreading worldwide, infectious diseases have taken a centre-stage. India has always been a vast harbor of multiple diseases of infectious etiologies. With great scholars including few Nobel Laureates having done their research in infectious diseases here, India is known worldwide to provide great opportunity to study and learn these diseases.

We at QRS, have a network of accredited laboratories as well as physician expertise for conducting infectious diseases trials as well as vaccine trials at unprecedented speeds and accuracy.


Oncology studies usually do not begin as a Single Ascending Dose in healthy normal patients, rather, as multiple ascending doses in cancer patients. For this phase, they may or may not start in the precise indication/type of cancer, they intend to treat. The Phase I study participants usually have other treatment options tried already; hence Phase I trials in oncology may not behave just as dose determining studies. Rather Phase I/II combo trials are a norm these days.

These studies are more budget and operational friendly for both sponsor and CRO, and are designed for assessing dosage, safety and a component of efficacy as well. In such studies Phase I initiates first in limited number of sites, usually at a single country; and with the selection of dosage, phase II starts in more number of sites. In such studies, understanding the various case scenarios and forecasting challenges and opportunities along with regulatory compliances, together forms a robust strategy with risk mitigation plans.

Patient enrolments in oncology trials in most countries tend to be very slow yielding an enrollment period going in years. Only a subset of oncology patients enrolls in clinical trials, if the sites and investigators are chosen without due diligence. In addition to the detailed feasibility, there can be certain challenges at these sites. We at QRS with our vast network of sites, communication channels and systems in place, can greatly aid in the selection of investigators, sites, and patients. We have observed that immunotherapy trials often have higher recruitment rates than traditional chemotherapies.

Another challenge is that most oncology trials have a survival endpoint mandating long survival follow-ups. With our vast experience and network in Oncology in India can provide realistic enrollment rate assumptions after discussing with KOLs.


In last decade there have been significantly large number of innovations happening in ophthalmology globally, be it in diagnosis, treatment  or prediction of indications. We have seen likes of smart lenses, lens to detect insulin depletion in diabetic retinopathy, use of artificial inteligence to predict indications by reading biomarkers,etc. And still lot of innovation happening everyday with only one objective, that is to save sight and improve quality of life.

Ophthalmology has always been our stronghold in Indian Territory. With a network of internationally acclaimed doctors and sites, we have experience of successfully conducting Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV trials in multiple indications in Ophthalmology.

Sponsors with potential treatments for conditions like Cataract, dry eyes, glaucoma, uveitis etc, usually look for the right advice regarding the fast enrolment with quality data; and that exactly is where we can chip in to provide you the insights on how to enroll right sites and patients and accelerate the quality data collection.


Be it a vaccine trial, a simple trial on food supplement or a trial on specialized medicine for a rare disease, we are equipped with our set of pediatricians who can guide us starting from the protocol framing to study operations to report writing. Our in-house capability is enhanced by such associated doctors onboard.

Your single centre small trial to a multicentric large trial can be handled by us and our strong network sites, with utmost preference to quality and time.

Pain & Rheumatology

A great unmet need in a large and aging population, rheumatology drug development is always welcome by regulatory authorities. Further, with a huge database of experienced rheumatologists across sites , we are well equipped to address any challenge in the domain.

With the concepts of pain medicine ever evolving, there is a huge opportunity in the field. We have the right skill set, and experience to give you the best possible realistic insight for enrolling the patients and collecting data through our network sites and investigators.


India is emerging a favored hub for psychiatry studies. Almost all these diseases, be it bipolar disease, schizophrenia or depression, which were earlier more in western world are now found in much greater number of patients in India. Our renowned network psychiatrists can handle your studies and provide much better return on your investment in terms of patient pool and quality data.

Respiratory / Pulmonary

With recent upsurge in the infective pulmonary diseases like viral diseases and tuberculosis, as well as the ones related to allergies and pollution, India is an important destination for pulmonary studies.

Our pulmonologist investigators as well our team is equipped with knowledge, expertise, experience and resources to guide you through the process of project planning, execution and completion. Our prior experience in the therapeutic area is going to make your project a huge success.